Yes, we can waive your deposit if you qualify for any of the following:
65 or Older – A residential customer or applicant may be deemed as having established satisfactory credit if the customer or applicant is 65 years of age or older and the customer is not currently delinquent in payment of any electric service account.
Victim of Family Violence – A residential customer or applicant may be deemed as having established satisfactory credit if the customer or applicant has been determined to be a victim of family violence as defined in the Texas Family Code §51.002 by treating medical personnel, by law enforcement personnel, by the Office of a Texas District Attorney or County Attorney, by the Office of the Attorney General, or by a grantee of the Texas Equal Access to Justice Foundation. This determination shall be evidenced by submission of a certification letter from the Texas Council of Family Violence. The certification letter may be submitted directly to Spark Energy by use of a toll-free fax number.
Letter of credit from a previous electric provider– A residential customer or applicant may be deemed as having established satisfactory credit if the customer or applicant:
- Has been a customer of any retail electric provider or an electric utility within the two years prior to the request for electric service;
- Is not delinquent in payment of any such electric service account; and
- During the last 12 consecutive months of service was not late in paying a bill more than once.
You can also split your deposit into two equal installments. Customers who are eligible for low-income discount programs may pay deposits in excess of $50.00 in two equal installments. The first installment must be paid within 10 days after written notice of the deposit requirement is issued, and the second installment must be paid within 30 days after the first deposit is paid.