12140 Wickchester Ln Suite #100, Houston, TX 77079

You’ve got powerful relationships

You’ve got powerful relationships.

Put them to work for you with our affiliate program.

Our affiliate marketing program gives small businesses, organizations, independent contractors and anyone who just wants to make some extra money an easy way to power up their earning potential. The program is perfect for groups like realtors, bloggers, social media influencers, and apartment managers.

Simply sign up using our Ambassador platform to be an affiliate partner and start  referring customers our way. It’s a program where everyone benefits:

  • You’ll be paid for every referral who becomes a customer 
    • Receive a one-time payment cash reward for each enrollment.*
  • There’s no limit to how many people you refer and there’s no limit on how much you can earn


Receive a one-time payment cash reward for each enrollment.*

Spark Services

Electricity and Natural gas in 19 states.

Impact Platform

Sign up with our affiliate platform to become a member and start earning.

Selective Plans

Special rates for affiliates.

How does it work?

  1. Sign up for the Affiliate Program by emailing marketingteam@sparkenergy.com .
  2. Once becoming an approved affiliate you will be given the abundant marketing banner materials to start promoting Spark Energy through your blogs and social media
  3. When someone clicks on the banner links and becomes an active customer with Spark Energy you earn a commission for every active enrollment.

Power up your earning potential today.
You can also contact us at marketingteam@sparkenergy.com to take part in this program.

*Payment vary based on affiliate’s market reach and experience
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